Looking for a job? Find out what the future of your career looks like

If there are no jobs in your field right now, could you think of doing some other work while times change? We listed jobs, trainings and other opportunities to find work right now.
You can get support for your career planning
Here is work to be done right now:
Head straight to work: different employers are looking for employees in Central Finland right now, especially for the care sector, sanitation, sales and kitchen sectors.
The City of Jyväskylä is currently recruiting especially summer workers and substitutes for several different fields.
In addition, the City of Jyväskylä offers apprenticeship opportunities in early childhood education and care as well as in the mass catering and kitchen sector.
Substitutes and gig jobs at the City of Jyväskylä

The city of Jyväskylä is constantly looking for employees for various substitutes. For many substitutes, an interest in the field and tasks is enough, so you can join the work community with a low threshold.
Get to know the replacements and gig jobs that are currently being sought in the city of Jyväskylä (FI)
The city of Jyväskylä's summer job search starts on February 12, 2024
The City of Jyväskylä is constantly looking for employees for various substitute positions. Many substitute positions require interest in the field and tasks, so you can join the work community with a low threshold.
Check out the current vacancies and gig jobs at the City of Jyväskylä. (FI)
The City of Jyväskylä's summer job application period starts on 12.2.2024
Applying for summer jobs online Kuntarekry website.
Summer jobs at the City of Jyväskylä will be published on the City of Jyväskylä's recruitment website starting from 12.2.
Early childhood education?
During the spring, there may be applications for apprenticeship study opportunities at daycare centres. If you are interested in getting a profession in early childhood education at the City of Jyväskylä, please let your personal coach know.
You can leave a contact request to your personal coach in the My e-Services online service.
Working in the kitchen?
During the spring, apprenticeship opportunities may be applied for at Kylän Kattaus. Kylän Kattaus offers food services mainly for various city units, such as schools and daycare centres. Indicate your interest to your personal coach.
Leave a contact request in the My e-Services online service.
You can also get an apprenticeship job from the company itself.
Tell your personal coach about your plans well in advance before registering for apprenticeship studies. At the same time, your personal coach will be able to find out if you have access to pay support.
You can read more about apprenticeship studies in general on Job Market Finland.
These companies are looking for employees in the tourism or catering sector

Interested in working in the hospitality and tourism industry? Companies have told us that they need employees for customer service, sales and marketing, restaurant work and accommodation.
Come and meet these employers at a recruitment event at the Employment Services premises on 6.2. at 13-16 at Asemakatu 4.
Among others, these companies present their vacancies in the tourism and catering sector:
Representatives of educational institutions will also be present if you need further training in the field.
Cleaning service industry and cleaning: These companies need employees

Cleaning jobs do not always require training in the field, but often interest in the tasks is enough. Sufficient proficiency in Finnish is often only required in home cleaning, where speaking a common language is desired, especially with older customers.
Apply to become a home and final cleaner with Recruitment Training for Solina!
ISS recruits in Central Finland
Interested in training in the field?
As labour market training, you can study for a vocational qualification in cleaning and property services. There is a flexible application period during the spring.

The ICT sector needs expertise and employees
ICT experts are needed in almost all workplaces. There are currently too few experts in the field and there will be work in the future as well. A typical feature of job seeking in the field is that jobs rarely come up in public job searches.
You can train in the ICT field at higher education institutions or, for example, through RekryTraining. RekryTraining is training in which an employer trains a willing potential jobseeker for the tasks of a company. After the RekryTraining, both parties aim to establish an employment relationship.
If you need to update your ICT skills, we also recommend participating in labour market training. During labour market training, you can improve your skills in the ICT sector. More and more labour market training is constantly being sought, so it is worth keeping an eye on what training is coming up in the ICT sector.
Follow upcoming ICT-related labour market training online.
Buutti Trainee Academy
Are you interested in programming and would like to take your programming skills to the next level? The Buutti Trainee Academy, starting on 12.3., will provide you with the tools to advance in your career as a software developer.
Read more about labour market training!
Support for job search and career planning
Do you still want to think about where to find a job or your future field?
We will organise the Towards Education event on 22.2. before the second joint application period for higher education institutions this spring.
Application periods (opintopolku.fi)
- The spring joint application period for higher education institutions is 13.3. at 8 a.m. – 27.3. at 3 p.m.
- Application period for vocational schools and other post-comprehensive school education The application period for the joint application period is 20.2.–19.3.
The studies will begin in autumn 2024.
Take part in an educational experiment at an educational institution
If you have difficulties in choosing a profession or field and want to be sure of your plan before applying for training, a training trial is the right service for you.
In the training trial, you have the opportunity to get to know Central Finland Gradia and Poke study offerings and their content. In practice, you get to follow the lessons and discuss the contents of the studies with a representative of the educational institution. You can agree on participating in the training trial with your personal coach.
Read more about training trial
Update your skills through labour market training

Unemployed jobseekers and persons at risk of unemployment are offered labour market training suitable for different needs and life situations, which provides competence in employing fields and improves working life skills. The duration of the training may vary from one day's permit card training to completing an entire degree.
See all labour market training in Central Finland here
Read more about labour market training (Job Market Finland)
Support for employment with permit cards
At its best, permit card training can be the key to quick employment. The permit card, organised as labour market training, is free training in terms of participation and examination fees.
Check out our versatile permit card training!
You can find jobs on Job Market Finland
You can find job vacancies and jobseeker services on Job Market Finland! You can also browse other job search channels on the International House Jyväskylä website.
Leave a contact request to your personal coach in the My e-Services online service.