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How to find a job during your studies or after graduation?

It is well known that it is difficult to live on student grants alone. It can be useful to gain work experience during your studies, as it is difficult to find a job in Finland with an empty CV. We asked an expert and a recent graduate for tips on finding a job. 

"I don't think there are any magic tricks," starts the employment services of the city of Jyväskylä.

Nainen tietokoneella. Image Tero Takalo-Eskola

Two new self-service libraries launched in Jyväskylä, age restrictions lifted

Palokan ja Vaajakosken aluekirjastojen aukioloajat laajenevat merkittävästi maanantaista 3.2.2020 alkaen. Kirjastot ovat avoinna omatoimikirjastoina varsinaisten palveluaikojen ulkopuolella aamuisin, iltaisin, viikonloppuisin ja pyhinä. Myös omatoimikirjastoaikojen ikäraja on poistunut.

The libraries in Palokka and Vaajakoski will operate extended opening hours from Monday, 3 February 2020.

Lukeva tyttö Palokan kirjastossa. Image Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen

Representatives of Jyväskylä youth council presented youth view in the Union of the Baltic Cities conference

During the week-long youth conference, we had the privilege of joining in a wide range of experiences, from international workshops to a cultural evening. This time the meeting was hosted by Kaunas, Lithuania, with youth representatives from nine cities and six different countries.

Representatives from the Jyväskylä youth council, Nea Auer, Wiivi-Maria Kasanen, Viivi Wahlberg, Katja Laitinen, Viljami Ihalainen and Åsa-Sofia Vi

youth council
Union of the Baltic Cities
Jyväskylän kaupungin markkinointilogossa on teksti Jyväskylä ja logo. Image Jyväskylän kaupunki

Jyväskylä City Library and Finnish Schools on the Move want to get kids moving

A themed collection on the 2nd floor of the Main Library (Vapaudenkatu 39-41) of titles that provide inspiring information and tips on how to encourage children at schools and kindergartens to be more physically active.

The Jyväskylä City Library and the Finnish Schools on the Move initiative have together created a themed collection on the 2nd floor of the Main Li

capital of sport
school on the move
Liikkuva koulu teemahylly. Image Joonas Puuppo