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Kaksi linja-autoa Hannikaisenkadulla kesällä. Image Katja Kauppila
There will also be moderate increases in season ticket prices on 3 June, while other ticket prices will not increase.

As the Linkki area expands, the charging zones have been redefined. The new payment zones will enable travel with Linkki ticket products in 7 Linkki municipalities (Jyväskylä, Laukaa, Muurame, Toivakka, Äänekoski, Hankasalmi and Petäjävesi) in public transport from 3 June 2024.

The number of charging zones will change from 4 to 3. The new zones mainly follow the boundaries of municipalities, exept in Jyväskylä, which has all three zones. The new fee zones are marked on the zone map with the letters A, B and C. The zones extend from the centre of Jyväskylä towards the edges of the domain. 

  • Jyväskylä               A, B, C
  • Laukaa                  B
  • Muurame              B
  • Äänekoski             C
  • Hankasalmi           C
  • Toivakka                C
  • Petäjävesi              C

The change does not affect travel with Waltti travel cards and does not require renewal of the travel card. The new payment zones will be automatically updated on the travel cards on 3 June without the customer having to do anything. 

If you experience problems with your travel card after the change, you should contact the Linkki service point (Asemakatu 7, open Mon 10-17, Tue-Fri 10-16, tel. 014 569 4000 Mon-Fri 9-12.

When travelling, the principle is that the ticket must be valid in all zones through which the journey passes. A ticket for one zone is the cheapest, a ticket for three zones the most expensive. You can check the toll zones and the location of your home or a nearby stop on a map or in a route guide.

Season ticket price changes from 3.6.

You can travel throughout the new Linkki area with a season ticket and a value ticket that can be loaded onto a Waltti travel card. A mobile ticket purchased from the Waltti Mobile and Linkki apps will also be valid for local and regional transport throughout the entire Linkki area.

Season tickets (30 days, 90 days, 180 days or one year) will be subject to price increases in connection with the zone change. Check the new ticket prices.

All Linkki tickets can be used on public transport services operated by green Linkki buses. For regional buses in the colours of the operators (e.g. Matka Mäkelä Oy in the Petäjävesi direction and Koivuranta Oy in the Laukaa/Äänekoski direction), Linkki fares apply only to mobile tickets and travel with a Waltti travel card (value and season tickets), while the fares for other tickets are based on Matkahuolto's fares.
